What is Facetite?
The FaceTite device is bipolar directionally accurate, and radio frequency-based. It is used to contract and shrink fat, skin, and subcutaneous tissue with absolute precision.
All radio-frequency treatments use two electrodes, one internal and one external, to exchange electrical currents at a radio-frequency—one close in frequency to that used in microwaves. The electricity delivered via radio-frequency heats the tissues it targets, which tightens and contracts the skin and the fibrous septal bands which secure the skin to the body.
InMode FaceTite is demonstrably superior to any other RF devices. A single treatment with the FaceTite RFAL can achieve up to 37% contraction of the surface area of the skin, thanks to the controlled use of radio-frequency assisted lipoplasty (RFAL). It provides more skin contraction than any other device on the market and is more targeted and precise in its treatment application. This means careful control of deeper tissues as well as the skin, virtually no risk of skin burns, and more impressive results.
Fractora, on the contrary, uses radio-frequency energy delivered to the surface of the skin. A matrix of tiny pins resurfaces the skin in a fractional method sending targeted heat deep into the skin to resurface and tighten the skin and is a non-surgical solution for aging and acne-scarred skin.
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